There's something simply amazing about coffee. It has a tremendous ability to draw people together over conversation and become a conversation piece in and of itself. Available around the world, straight from the earth, each unique bean from each unique region carries significance and uniqueness of its own.

The more one travels into the world of coffee, the more interesting and complex it gets. And it only becomes richer the fresher the coffee you have is. We seek out some of the most unique coffees from all regions of the world, seeking to give our customers a truly unique experience that they can continuously evaluate, learn, and explore.

Exclusively micro-batch roasting, each pound of our coffee is given special care to ensure that its particular varietal is roasted to the best characteristics. When you order from Buttonwood, your coffee will be roasted specifically for you. We fulfill most orders within 3-4 days. Our default is to deliver whole coffee beans. This is the freshest way to get it to you. If you value freshness, it's worth investing in a grinder as the moment the coffee is ground, the clock is ticking on decreased freshness and flavor. Yet if you don't have a grinder, let us know in the checkout notes and we'll be happy to grind for you.

A word about price: Sure, you can pick up a can of coffee at the grocery store for seven or eight bucks. Commodity coffee is a thing and it's not all terrible. Yet speciality coffee is unique and, as it's called, speciality. Each of our coffees are harvested by small farmers, and we're assured a reasonable living wage at each stage of the process. Consider that each coffee bean is the "seed" of a small coffee cherry. Each of those cherries are harvested by hand, hulled by hand, dried and cared for by hand. The next time you look at a bag of coffee beans, think about how many cherries had to be hand-picked to help you arrive at that incredible bag of coffee. Further, each pound of coffee you purchase from Buttonwood takes approximately 45 minutes to prepare, roast, and package. When you do the math on price, we think it won't take long to realize why specialty coffee is priced as it is. There's truly something special about it.

Giving Back: One of our commitments with Buttonwood is to give back to our local community. For each 12 oz. bag of coffee purchased, we make a donation to support entrepreneurship education in DeKalb County, Illinois.

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